Human Subjects Research
New Mexico Tech's Institutional Review Board (IRB) is charged with protecting the rights and welfare of human research participants recruited to participate in research activities conducted at New Mexico Tech. The members who serve on the IRB are scientists and staff members from Tech, as well as non-affiliated members of the Socorro community.
Most of the human subjects research projects at NMT are eligible for either administrative or expedited review. The IRB meets as needed to review any projects that require full-board approval. All on-going research projects that involve human subjects are reviewed yearly, depending upon the level of risk.
What does the IRB do? -External Video
What Is Human Subject Research? - Downloadable PowerPoint
NMT's Official Policy on Human Subjects Research
Responsible & Ethical Conduct of Research Training Resources
Violating the requirements of Title 45 – Public Welfare Part 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations (45 CFR 46) can lead to serious consequences. Penalties may include written warnings, reprimands, fines, and sanctions against the institution or researchers involved. In some cases, federal funding for all sponsored projects may be withdrawn.
- Title 45 CFR U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, Part 46: Protection of Human Subjects
- Title 45 CFR, Part 46, Subpart B: Additional Protections for Pregnant Women, Human Fetuses and Neonates Involved in Research
- Title 45 CFR, Part 46, Subpart C: Additional Protections Pertaining to Biomedical & Behavioral Research Involving Prisoners as Subjects
- Title 45 CFR, Part 46, Subpart D: Additional Protections for Children Involved as Subjects in Research
Studies that fall under any exempt category as outlined in 45 CFR 46.104(d) may be eligible for an exempt review. However, exemptions cannot be granted for research involving prisoners or for research with children that includes:
- Surveys,
- Interviews, or
- Observation of public behavior—unless the observation involves public behavior in which the investigator does not participate.
If the IRB determines the study is not exempt, it will require either expedited or full board review. Although certain research activities involving human subjects are exempt from 45 CFR 46 regulations, they must still be submitted to the IRB for review and approval.
IRB Application Form
IRB Application Form Instructions: Fill out this SmartSheet Form to request an IRB review of your research project. All supporting documentation must be attached to application before it is considered complete. Should you need to submit more information please email it directly to
- IMPORTANT: Once the IRB Application Form is complete request a copy be sent to your NMT email for your records. Forward that email to the IRB Admin at
- IRB Signature Form - Collect all relevant signatures (Faculty Advisor Assurance if applicable) and include this signed PDF document along with the IRB application documentation.
- Informed Consent - MUST always be sought from the participants in your research project. The informed consent requirements found in HHS 45 CFR 46 Regulation for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research provide a bedrock protection for individuals participating in research studies.
- Students involved in HSR Research (inside & outside the classroom) at NM Tech must complete their CITI training in order to participate. This is to ensure a strong understanding of responsible and ethical research practices and project design. These training modules should only be taken once every 4 years. Students should complete the following training:
- Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Curriculum
- NMT Student/Postdocs
- Human Subject Research Curriculum
- NMT Student/Postdocs
IRB Procedures
Additional Forms
*NEW* IRB Modification Request
IRB Modification Form Instructions: Fill out this SmartSheet form to request an IRB Modification Review of your research project. All supporting documentation must be attached to application before it is considered complete. Should you need to submit more information please email it directly to
- IMPORTANT: Once the IRB Modification Form is complete request a copy be sent to your NMT email for your records. Forward that email to the IRB Admin at
IRB Annual Renewal Form Instructions: Fill out this SmartSheet form to request an IRB Annual Renewal Review of your research project. All supporting documentation must be attached to application before it is considered complete. Should you need to submit more information please email it directly to
- IMPORTANT: Once the IRB Renewal Form is complete request a copy be sent to your NMT email for your records. Forward that email to the IRB Admin at
*NEW* IRB Adverse Event Reporting Form
IRB Adverse Event Reporting Form Instructions: Use this SmartSheet form to report unanticipated events or problems caused by or related to a human subject's participation in your research project.
- Adverse events are extremely unlikely since NMT does not perform clinical research of any kind, but we make this form available as required by federal law.
- IMPORTANT: Once the IRB Adverse Event Reporting Form is complete request a copy be sent to your NMT email for your records. Forward that email to the IRB Admin at
NMT's Research Compliance division provides consultation and compliance services to researchers conducting or considering Human Subjects Research. Please direct questions or concerns regarding the NMT Human Subjects Research Program to
Research Compliance Officer and IRB Administrator: Val Thomas - or 575-835-5749